Van soest Collection
Pathos Gallery currently represents the "Van Soest Collection".
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The essence of the collection shows a true development of the art genre throughout the 20th century. Multiple generations of artists who have explored the surrealistic style and reinvented it have left an unsurpassed mark on contemporary art culture with their artworks. The Van Soest collection has captured this remarkable development by gathering a great amount of key artworks from these artists.
The movie and game industry is one of the fastest growing industries of our time and brought with it a new breed of artists. Some major creatives in the industry have expressed their admiration for the Van Soest collection and actively collect artworks from the same artists. Cris Velasco (God of War, Overwatch, Bloodborne, Borderlands) Clive Barker (Hellraiser, Candyman), Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy, Shape of Water), Alex Grey, Kris Kuksi and many others actively collect works from the same selection of artists and are familiar with the Van Soest collection.
There is an unmistakable direct link from the Van Soest collection to the art of the present generation. Founded on principles of art history and building upon the work of the masters of surrealism, the Van Soest collection is a reflection of an art movement that has paved the way for contemporary visual artists: from painters to movie directors and sculptors to game designers.
Starting with early artworks from artists like Johfra, Labisse and Ernst Fuchs (1940 / 1960) all the way to the contemporary genre defying artworks of De-Es Schwertberger and Kris Kuksi.Looking at the Van Soest collection, one can define a clear evolution and heritage that is more alive than ever. The progressive art styles demonstrated in Western Europe shortly after the first world war create a start off point within the Van Soest collection (Moesman, Johfra, Labisse, Alaux). There is also an impressive influx of exceptional high quality artworks from eastern Europe dating from the latter part of the 20th century that can be found (Kostetsky, Korolev, Martsenuk). A parallel development in the genre has taken place in the US and is reflected by artists represented in the collection like Rubinov Jacobsen, Venosa and Kris Kuksi.
The Van Soest collection is a true portrayal of one of the most influential art genres of our time, showing an extensive timeline of artists. Whether the beholder is rooted in the world of art history, or emerged into the world of the forward-looking gaming industry, anyone will find recognition and acknowledgement of the passionately curated selection of pioneering artworks within this collection.
Viktor Safonkin, Rardy van Soest and Ernst Fuchs in Vienna at the Ernst Fuchs Museum.
Johfra Bosschart - The Adoration of Pan (1979)
Rardy van Soest has concluded his collection by publishing the “Van Soest Collection” catalogue. The collection is documented and will always remain known as a collection of historical importance. Rardy van Soest not only wants many more to enjoy the beauty of his collection, he also has a fervent hope that present and future generations of artists will be inspired by it to surprise the human race with exquisite new creations.
Viktor Safonkin, H.R. Giger and Rardy van Soest in Gruyères at the H.R. Giger Museum.
Ernst Fuchs, David und Bathseba, Oil on canvas, 81 x 62 cm.
Alexandre Kostetsky - No title - Oil on canvas - 39 x 49 cm.
Matthijs Röling, No title, Oil on canvas, 70 x 80 cm.
Jean-Pierre Alaux, Scalaria II , Oil on canvas, 52 x 32 cm.
Featured Artists
- J.P. Alaux (France)
- Basher (Iraq)
- J. Beekmans (Netherlands)
- D. Van den Berg (Netherlands)
- J. Van den Berg (Netherlands)
- D.J. Bouma (Netherlands)
- D. Clarke (UK)
- Davidov (Ukraine)
- De-Es (Austria)
- P. Delmee (Belgium)
- P. Deunhouwer (Netherlands)
- H. Deuss (Netherlands)
- O. Dozortzev (Russia)
- F. Fuchs (Austria)
- M. Fuchs (Austria)
- Gangadhar (France)
- H.R. Giger (Switzerland)
- A. Gonzales (USA)
- I. Grechanyk (Ukraine)
- P. Gric (Czech Republic / Austria)
- J. Haanstra (Netherlands)
- Z. Hajny (Czech Republic)
- M. Hiep (Netherlands)
- Johfra (Netherlands)
- H. Kanters (Netherlands)
- J. Kleiker (Netherlands)
- O. Korolev (Russia / Ukraine)
- A. Kostetsky (Ukraine)
- A. Kreher (Netherlands)
- A. Kubiczek (Austria)
- K. Kuksi (USA)
- F. Labisse (France)
- Lamy (France)
- V. Linford (Netherlands)
- E. Lorien (Netherlands)
- G. Di-Maccio (Belgium)
- V. Martsenuk (Ukraine)
- A. Martins de Barros (France)
- P. Meseldzija (Serbia)
- A. Nekrasov (Russia)
- P. Pander (Netherlands)
- M. Parkes (USA)
- L. Plaw (Australia)
- Reon Argondian (Czech Republic)
- M. Roling (Netherlands)
- PH. Rubinov Jacobsen (USA)
- V. Safonkin (Russia)
- H. Smorenburg (Netherlands)
- B. Tielen (Netherlands)
- J. Thomassen (Netherlands)
- E. Ubels (Netherlands)
- R. Venosa (USA)
- C. Waterman (Netherlands)
- G. Willemenot (France)
- R. Wosak (Austria)
- P. Wunderlich (Germany)
- O. Yakhin (Russia)
- M. Zovko (Republic of Slovenia)
- R. Zwaga (Netherlands)
- D. Zwerver (Netherlands)
Félix Labisse, Saint Sebastian, Oil on canvas, 92 x 64 cm.
Joop Moesman, De onthechting, oil on canvas, 130 x 110 cm. Last painting of Joop Moesman.
Kris Kuksi, Bone spider,Oil on panel - 29 x 22 cm.
De Es, Holding the Light, Oil on canvas, 88 x 109 cm.